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Business Web Hosting With High Availability

by Fahad Mahmood
September 16, 2021

Get business web hosting that provide speed, high availability and security rather than exploiting you for more money. If you are serious about uptime and disaster recovery for your online store and website, don’t just buy any hosting by a disaster-proof web hosting built to sustain shocks. Many people make the mistake of buying budget hosting and don’t realise the risk until it’s too late. In this article, I would walk you through the things that you need to have in your web hosting.


It is true security is shared responsibility, and if your website code is not up to date, you run into the risk of getting a compromise, but their many things hosting provider can do before it points the finger at your code.

  1. First, the provider needs to ensure the server is up to date.
  2. Second, hosting provider should have good Firewall and DDOS protection for your server
  3. Provider isolation to your account in case of shared hosting to avoid cross-contamination from other websites
  4. Provide advance threat protection on the server using an intrusion prevention system IPS to minimise the risk of infection

Malware Protection

Make sure the server has inbuilt malware scanner so if your website is compromising the automatic scanner can clean it for you. Most providers refer you to buy third party service as their first line of action.

Code Assistance

Many old websites are still running on PHP version 5.x. PHP 5 has reached the end of life and PHP community is not providing updates for PHP 5. Website running on PHP 5 are more vulnerable compared to the websites running on PHP 7.x. Instead of blaming the website code, a provider should work with the customer to help them update their business website code. Unlike other hosting providers, we provide complete code assistance and upgrade with our business web hosting.


If you are running an e-commerce website or blog that has new transactions and posts regularly, you need to make sure your website is backup up automatically. Have daily, weekly or no backup is a disaster waiting. Most low-cost hosting packages are cheap because they cut corners and don’t back up your website or not often enough. When disaster strikes, you are left alone to deal with it. However, we take care of your backup needs by including regular backups in all our packages.



RPO & RTO stand for recovery point objective and recovery time object, they are industry terms to identify how much data would you lose and how long your service is down in case of disaster. Lower the RPO and RTO, the better the service. If you backup daily than in worst case you can lose 23 hours of data on your website, plus downtime. The downtime depends on the type of backup system available to you and how long does it take to restore the system. Our RPO on a standard service is two hours, and RTO is less than an hour for server failure.

File Level Backups

In addition to our server level recovery and control, we provide file-level backup that runs every eight hours if your website is compromised or deleted by accident, you can recover individual files and databases from within the cPanel in a matter of minutes

Powered By Cloud

There are three major components to achieve uptime:

  1. Server Uptime
  2. Storage Uptime
  3. Network Uptime

Cloud Computing

Most hosting providers stack up servers and run shared hosting and VPS without the consideration for the failure. We don’t have any servers we use the latest cloud platform to provide uptime as high as 99.9%, and we have not had downtime until today. We use the Amazon cloud and its global infrastructure to ensure we stay up at all time. Our cloud hosting service uses the power of thousands of servers linked together to offer high availability. Unlike traditional hosting setup, cloud hosting does not fail if few servers or site become unavailable. If a particular server or data centre fails the websites shift itself to another availability zone.

Cloud Storage

We don’t use hard drive stack in individual servers, because all servers fail one day. When the server fails, the hosting provider cannot shift your data to another server. The traditional storage stack within a server depends on the backup to restore in case of storage failure. Instead of using traditional storage setup, our business web hosting use Amazon Elastic storage service (EBS). EBS is a highly redundant multi-site storage system that offers 99.999% uptime guaranteed with no dependency on an individual server. Using EBS, we stay up at all time and avoid the storage disasters that traditional hosting provider can’t.

Redundant Network

Amazon cloud is the largest cloud provider in the world. It has built the most redundant network cloud with many layers of redundancy across thirteen regions in the world even if the disaster strike in one region you site stays up and running from another region.

In short, unlike traditional website hosting that relay on a limited amount of computer resources and storage array. Our business web hosting provides better uptime because it is powered by cloud. We further deliver fast speed using Cloud Linux to ensure fair resources for each website in a shared hosting environment. We distinguish our self by delivering exceptional support when it comes to code. iVersion cloud hosting provides the inbuilt capacity to protect your website from malware infection.

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